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Thursday, 10 November 2011

This man was breathing money when I was on a mere $480,000. Here's why

My friend James Hammond, the Brand Doctor, sent me this (he studies everything and often mortifies me by producing stuff I never heard of).

It is written by Neil French. I don't know how you make it big enough to read. Get a magnfiying glass, maybe. It's worth it.

Neil was in charge of creative at Ogilvy Advertising around the time I was in charge of the direct side.

Naturally, advertising being more creative, he got paid tons more than me.

I suspect he deserved it. He produced the kind of ads that Raymond Rubicam said we should all aspire to – “that not only sells but is an excellent piece of work in its own right.”

Thank you James. And thank you Neil. We never met but I was always impressed by tales (apocryphal, I am sure) suggesting that my private life was downright tame compared to yours.

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