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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Well, do you really give a f**k? This little graph, clearly based on years of rigorous academic study, may give you the answer

A friend from South Africa occasionally sends me stuff that brings a wry smile, a quiet chortle or even a joyous belly-laugh.

But this particular fruit of his research brought me to the startling realisation that I really am very odd indeed.

Not only do I give a fuck - I do so with greater fury and vehemence as every year passes.

Maybe I should seek help. Or pay to get a banker or politician run over. I must give it some thought.

Anyhow, just as I'm about to plumb the murkiest depths of gloom I always find something comes along to cheer me up.

The other day I saw my more or less crazy but brilliant friend Jo Stowell who has just had a beautiful book of her photos produced.

The rather excellent copy at the beginning is, in my considered view, one of the best examples of that sort of this I have ever seen, possibly because I wrote it.

But I was not responsible for the extraordinarily good design. I don't have the talent. But I believe it was by a lady called Annabelle, who I have never met or even spoken to.

She works with a printer called EPC Direct, www.epcdirect.co.uk - and I've never heard of them before either. They are lucky to have her.

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