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Sunday, 16 May 2010

A smile between sneezes

I have a filthy cold, but decided to take a look at the usual flood of messages. The most extraordinary, by far, was headed "Validation".

Only someone suffering from incessant curiosity would read on, but I did, and read a further 423 words starting with:

Dear Reader,

Through our 3rd party sources, we obtained your email address to enable us to send you this message about our services, which we would like to make available to you. We are a specialist digital marketing agency and we act on behalf of a wide range of clients.

Our Service

We would like to send you from time to time emails with information or offers from our clients which we believe will be of interest and value to you as it has been to many other key business decision makers in your position on our database. This information will be relevant to someone with your responsibilities. Nevertheless if you want to specify further the types of information you are interested in receiving then please follow this link to amend your profile.

Opting Out

We do not send spam or unsolicited information. If you do not want to receive this valuable information from us, please use one of the opt-out methods at the bottom of this email.

And so on, and so on.

How wonderful that there are still people in the marketing business who are so totally, blissfully, unencumbered with even the slightest smidgeon of knowledge about what they are doing - and have so clearly never thought to waste precious time finding out.

I can't say this made me feel any better, but it did make me wonder how the hell it could have some from anyone purporting to be a digital marketing agency.

What does slightly worry me is that these people might actually suggest their clients try this sort of died-last-Wednesday-but-never-buried approach to copy.