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Monday, 15 August 2011

Mr. Cameron's moral collapse and other current farces

Yesterday David Cameron spoke out about stopping the "slow motion moral collapse" that is happening here.

Which collapse was he referring to?

Was it poverty-stricken little him getting a mortgage which cost taxpayers £21,000 a year? Didn't his £2 million home have enough room for his phony moralising? Was it the tax fiddle the Miliband brothers pulled off when their father died? Who knows?

To put this collapse into context my friend Ian Waring
took extracts from the speeches made by a few other hypocrites in the House of Commons with notes on their actual behaviour and put them on Facebook.

Gerald Kaufman (£43,564 expenses including 4 grapefruit bowls at £540). I condemn the naked greed of these criminals and their taking advantage of their pampered and privileged opportunities ..

David Wilshire (£160,532 expenses including £100k on a flat 15 miles from main home) My honourable friend has hit the nail on the head. This is not about ideology, it's sheer naked greed

John Healey (£84,562 expenses including £6,194 for renovating his kitchen) We should understand a little less and condemn a little more, Mr Speaker; only tough action against these feral youths will ...

Speaker (£146,780 expenses) Order! Order! Members must set an example to young people!"

If they steal, why shouldn't everyone?

This morning I see that when Cameron sought advice from Bill Bratton who did a good job in LA, top policeman Sir Hugh Orde said: "I am not sure I want to learn about gangs from an area of America that has 400 of them".

Hugh, baby, join the real world. It's not too late. Remove your head from wherever you've stuck it and look around.

Watch a few rap videos,.

Look at how these kids dress. Listen to them.

Is the "I just shat in my pants" jeans style a British look or did it start in U.S. jails?
Is Muthahfucker the Queen's English? Wonder where social activities like drive-by shootings come from? I can help there because 25 years ago a young man in my wife's family died in one in Connecticut.

In Jamie Oliver's restaurant yesterday there was a "sitter" to take us to our table. The waitress said "Enjoy". And so on.

What starts there - good or bad, from obesity to blogging - usually ends up here.


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