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Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The great Denny Hatch explains it all

If you want to know a) whose stuff I always read b) why the world's economy is up the spout - explained in simple language anyone can understand, here's the answer to both questions in two words.

Denny Hatch.

Go and sign in to get his commonsense business newsletter. There is nothing better. Here's the address.


I have know Denny for quite a few years now. There is simply is nobody (including me) who knows more about direct marketing and business generally.

Go and have a look now. http://www.targetmarketingmag.com/article/bad-tarp-good-tarp-if-you-dont-have-customers-you-dont-have-business-period-403604.html

And no, he doesn't pay me to say nice things about him. We just happen to know each other. And no, I have never recommended anyone before like this in this blog, as far as I can recall.