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Thursday, 19 February 2009

Why the world is in shit - one possible reason

Too much overpaid energy devoted to trivial things.

This is a list of the people it was thought necessary by JWT in New York to make one wanky full-of-pointless-special-effects TV commercial for (what a surprise!) a firm of investment advisers.

Chief Creative Officer: Ty Montague.

Executive Creative Director: Andrew Clark.

Creative Director: Izzy Levine, Nate Goodson (it took two of them!)

Art Director: Orit Ben-Shitrit.

Copywriter: Giovanni Maletti.

Agency Executive Producer: Caroline Coleman.

Music Producer: Theresa Notartomaso.

Director of Integrated Production: Clair Grupp.

Director of Broadcast Production and Content: Joe Calabrese.

Missing: the executive in charge of wiping the client's arse.

What would it take to do something useful, one wonders.

What bollocks.