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Monday, 4 January 2010

How I got eaten by alligators - a true story, with a penis thrown in

Nearly twenty years ago I did a couple of talks at American Express in New York. In fact if I crane my neck I can see the video tapes of one of them from my desk in our sordid basement.

Anyhow my jokes went down well enough for them to ask me to create a training programme for their senior people. This I did with rave reviews - after the first day 100% of the delegates said they would recommend it to their colleagues. So I went on whizzing around the world for them until some politically correct twerp complained about my language, and the whole adventure ended.

My clients there were three wonderful ladies, and eventually I heard from one of them about five years ago. She was writing a book, and could she use my name for the main villain?

Thus it was that I appeared in The Ivy Chronicles, by Karen Quinn. In it I meet a nasty end, being eaten by alligators, which to be honest may not entirely explain why it became a best seller - the first of several she has written. Last time I heard it was being made into a film. Fame at last?

Karen is extremely funny as you'll see if you go to http://karenquinn.net/category/blog.

I don't know anyone else who would have an entry headed "Meet me under the Penis at the Time Warner Center."

What an admirable woman!

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